
New album „5/5/9“ by André Nendza

Bassist and composer André Nendza is releasing his new album on 12 April as a triple CD and double vinyl on JazzSick. The album will also be available on all streaming portals.


Latest Mathias Haus record out now!

He has recorded his moving „All my Life“ for String Orchestra, plus 6 ballads stretching the arch between experienced jazz-enthusiast and Pop-listener.


Latest Releases

The London Session


Little Fly



All my life


Express your life

The Palm Tree Line

Open Water

About JazzSick

During the last 15 years Jazzsick records developed into a consistent and profiled factor on the small, but vibrant jazz-market. With close to a hundred releases the label covers a wide spectrum of different styles of jazz ranging from avantgarde to fusion. The common ground: improvisation.

Jazzsick is musicians-based. Both partners, Philipp van Endert and André Nendza, are longtime household names on the music scene. Due to their own input plus the service of our professional distribution-partners and several heavy working promotion-companies we offer a transparent and reliable base for our unique artists.

And: We want to make it easy for our customers. Therefore, all our products should be available (or can be ordered) at all the stores that provide CDs and vinyl records. Furthermore, you could use our new shop It’s safe, fast and the most direct way to connect with us.